Are you thinking that it’s about time to update the vent covers in your home? Are you ready for a new and refreshed look but aren’t quite sure what to look for or how to choose the right vent covers for your home? Well, welcome to your official custom vent cover education! All on one page, we’ve gathered the resources you’ll need to make an informed decision about vent cover materials with the pros and cons of each, why the design of a custom vent cover matters, how to measure for new vent covers, the differences between decorative air return vents and supply vents, and so much more. Plus, we’ll point you to our favorite custom vent covers and where to buy them. Just make sure to bookmark or pin this page for future reference!

Vent Covers 101
Before we get too deep into the ins and outs of vent covers, we want to go over what exactly they are and why you need them in your home.
First off, let us paint you a familiar picture—you walk into a lovely remodeled home and let your eyes wander. The original architecture is charming, the new built-ins are meticulously designed, the color palette is sheer perfection. And then your eyes are drawn to something that just doesn’t seem to fit. It’s an old, slightly oxidized metal grate covering the air vent above the window. And then you realize, it’s not alone. Every air vent in the room is covered by one of these outdated and factory-made eyesores!
Okay, so it’s a bit dramatic. But we know you caught the vision—we’ve all seen it (or even lived with it)! The thing is, we all need those vent covers to ensure that larger bits of household debris do not get into our home’s heating or cooling system. But why do we think we have to settle for vent covers that reduce our interior design dreams to anything less? The key is that we don’t, and we shouldn’t.

Custom vent covers add a premium upgrade to your home with minimal cost and effort involved. They can instantly make your design feel more cohesive and intentional, and they can even increase your home’s resale value. And if you still wonder why you need custom vent covers, just remember that style is not something we should ever have to sacrifice.
How Do You Choose Vent Covers
Choosing the best decorative vent covers for your home is always going to be an individual decision based on your personal style and taste. However, there are a few things we consider fundamental as you start your search and figure out how to choose vent covers for your home.
Material—think wood, metal, or plastic (more on this below!), finish and/or color, and sizing are all important keys that you’ll want to think about when shopping around. Does the company offer what you want? Are the materials sturdy enough for your family’s habits? Can you customize the vent covers to fit your exact design or color palette? Make sure to answer these questions before purchasing any new vent covers for your home.

Metal Vs. Wood Vs. Plastic Vent Covers
Custom wood vent covers, metal vent covers, and plastic vent covers all have their own pros and cons. While some feel that one material reigns supreme, others see the value in what other materials can offer.
When choosing between metal, wood, and plastic vent covers, you want to think about durability, cost, customization opportunities, and even what part of your home (re: ceiling, floor, wall) the vent covers are going to be installed in. Make sure to do your research before jumping in thinking you know what will be best. The pro and con lists may just surprise you.
16 Things You May Not Know About Air Return Vents
Having a basic understanding of what’s going on in your home’s heating and cooling system is an important part of being a homeowner, or even renter. You should know the answer to most of the most common questions regarding HVAC in order to help your system be as efficient and cost-effective as possible. But this kind of information also helps guide you through important design decisions that can affect what kinds of vent covers you purchase and where they should be placed in your home.

Make sure to study the answers to 16 common air return vent questions (including everything from what return air vents actually are to whether or not you should have them open in the winter) before purchasing new vent covers so you can really have the foundational understanding you’ll need to make the best decision!
Frequently Asked Questions About Decorative Vent Covers
Now that you’ve got the basics down, do you wonder what else it is you haven’t thought of yet? For instance, do you know exactly how to measure for new vent covers in your home? Well, first you need to remove the old vent cover so that the actual hole it is installed into or is covering is fully exposed. Then you’ll measure (width by height) the exact distance from one side of the opening to the other. Never include any overhanging materials whether inside or outside the vent opening.

Got that? Excellent! Now find the answers to 9 other frequently asked questions about decorative vent covers just to ensure you don’t have any gaps in your knowledge before buying custom vent covers for yourself.
Shopping For Custom Vent Covers
Ready to take your home to the next level and elevate your interiors? There truly is no need to sacrifice the custom character your home deserves! And custom vent covers can easily add the depth and character you’ve been looking for in your home’s aesthetic.
So, what’s our suggestion for giving your home that boost in the very best way? Well, when considering simplicity of at-home installation, the virtually endless customization opportunities of our favorite vent cover material, and the cost at which you can achieve the look you’ve always wanted, we highly recommend unique and beautifully-designed custom vent covers from Christopher Scott Cabinetry. Designed with timeless modernity in mind and made of quality high-density machine board, these custom vent covers are perfectly suited for any ceiling or wall vents in your home.

Shop Christopher Scott Cabinetry Vent Covers now to outfit your home with enduring functionality and premium personalization!